This website is made using PHP, Bootstrap, and Sass. Small sample of other projects that I have worked on are below.
Select a category to filter or select an image to visit the site.
Web App that creates a random running route loop from your current location.
Fully responsive eLearning course for Cricket Australia.
Please note that this course uses lockout so all sections and videos must be finished before continuing.
Maintained, added features, added pages, and made some design changes to the site. (Please excuse the long loading times though Web Archive)
A site where JLRA dealerships and employees get to view points for reaching certain targets. After the lead developer left unexpectedly I was responsible of the ongoing maintenance and improvements to the site. Site was built using PHP.
While I didn't build this site originally, I did add a lot of content and functionality as more information came in leading up to the event.
WordPress site using WooCommerce for the translations. While I didn't build this site originally my job was to add/remove promotional details, fixing small transactional issues with the WooCommerce plugin, and inventory management.